Case Study on The Efficacy of using Paid Ads on Reddit to Promote Redbubble


Let's talk Reddit. The self-styled Front Page of the Internet. People go there to read about their favorite this or that and for the most part it is pretty fun. I have two accounts there, my primary and my other one specifically for business and such. Been browsing Reddit for almost 3 years now. My Cakeday is in March.

In any case, My first foray into shameless self promotion was with one of my Redbubble T-shirts. I found a related subreddit, posted my shirt like I was really interested in it to show other people. And waited.


The little things excite me. Then...


... Which may or may not be related to my covert Reddit promotion. Want me to share the design? Just don't rip me off:

Despite it all, people saw right through it:

Whoops. Busted.

So, that wasn't a really good way of getting some good exposure. I'm sure there's a way to get it done, and I'm also sure people have had mad success pushing their stuff on Reddit the free way. However, I don't really have an answer for you. Redditors are bloodhounds.

Not exactly willing to give up on Reddit, I went the paid route. I spent 18.00 USD on some ad time and created an ad for a sticker. Small ticket item, conversions should be easier:

Great Fun. So, my ad got approved and I recieved over 11,500 impressions. Here's the results on the Reddit Ads Analytics:

I was blown away by it! But the real results in terms of views came from the Redbubble "MAnage Portfolio" Analytics:

I started at at FOUR views and went to 192. Unfortunately, that and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee. and a 0% conversion rate.

What went wrong? Why didn't anyone buy it? Well, I don't really know. But I have some hypotheses:

1.) Nobody who clicked through liked the design.
2.) The price point was unreasonable, even at two and change USD.
3.) I didn't appeal to the proper demographics for my ad.
4.) People just weren't all that interested.

11,500 impressions. 188 clicks. That gives us a CTR (Click Through Rate) of 1.6%.


That's okay, Rome wasn't built in a day, and a passive income wasn't either. I will make it work and I'll keep tinkering until it blows up.

Lessons learned: Marketing is hard as sh*t. I now know how to make an ad campaign on Reddit.

What I am going to do is when I'm time promoting my novel on Kindle during its free period:

I'll be Ready with a bigger budget.

It wasn't a complete loss. We will get there Passive Owls!


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