On Pinterest Demographics and Marketing for Redbubble.

So, I'm relatively new to Pinterest, but I have known about it for several years. I think that there is a lot of potential with it, since it is very intimately related with art and style.

It is also important to note that 81% of Pinterest users are female.

That's really important information to know, because if you know the demographics, you know who you need to target in order to make the platform work the most for you. If one does not, then it will serve to minimize user engagement and conversion rates.

Again, That's really good to know. So, now that we know this, what can we do about it?

Research the kinds of things that would stand out to a female demographic on Redbubble, and emulate those designs when making you own.

I'm not saying you necessarily have to do everything strictly female. By and large, women do have boyfriends, and it's no secret that women can on occasion buy clothes for their guys. However, I think in order to hit the sweet spot, there should be a ratio of 80:20; that is your targeting should be 80$ female and 20% male.

Hey! That looks a lot like the user statistics! That is by design.

Moral of the story; if you use Pinterest, primarily appeal to females because they make up the majority of Pinterest users.


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